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2023 SOCHE Articulation & Transfer Conference

2023fri20oct8:30 amfri1:00 pm2023 SOCHE Articulation & Transfer ConferenceVirtual Event | EVENT COMPLETE

Event Details

“Transfer & Alternative Pathways: Driving a Career-Focused Future”

The 2023 SOCHE Articulation & Transfer Conference will take place on Friday, Oct. 20, from 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m. ET via the SOCHE Zoom platform. This year’s theme is “Transfer & Alternative Pathways: Driving a Career-Focused Future.”

During this virtual conference, you’ll be able to hear about the latest updates in the articulation and transfer space from the ODHE, and interact with transfer and articulation colleagues from private, public, and community colleges throughout Ohio. You’ll have three concurrent sessions to choose from, then we’ll hear from a panel of personnel who work directly with and serve College Credit Plus (CCP) students. We’ll wrap up our morning with a keynote that explores what the workforce will look like in the next few years and how campuses can better prepare students for this future.

Check out the full conference program below!



When: Friday, Oct. 20, 2023
8:30 a.m.-1 p.m. ET

Where: via SOCHE’s Zoom Platform (link will be sent at least 24 hours prior to event)


  • Personnel from SOCHE member schools: $20 per person (price increases to $30 on Oct. 9)
  • Personnel from NON-member schools/organizations: $30 per person (price increases to $40 on Oct. 9)
  • Students: $5 per person (price increases to $10 on Oct. 9)

Registration Cancellation Policy

Registration for this event closes on Sunday, Oct. 15.

Event Program

8:15 a.m. ET Meeting link opens
8:30 a.m. ET Guided Coffee Chat
Grab your favorite beverage and join us for discussion about campus National Transfer Student Week activities before the conference formally begins.
8:45 a.m. ET Opening and Welcome
Conference Host: Angelique McCown, Ohio University
9:00 a.m. ET ODHE’s Ohio Articulation and Transfer Network Updates
Presenters: Jessi Hart, Jared Shank, Dr. Candice Grant, Nikki Wearly, Joy Livergood, and Dr. Paula Compton, from Ohio Department of Higher Education
9:45 a.m. ET Break: Pet Parade – share your pet with the group (in person or a photo)
10:00 a.m. ET Concurrent Sessions (choose one at registration)
• Session 1 – Transfer Student Voices: Hearing Their Words & Responding to Their Stories
Session attendees will hear the stories, experiences, and recommendations of Ohio transfer students. Through facilitated discussion, attendees will respond to these shared stories, exploring what works well and identifying opportunities for growth in our institutions’ transfer processes. Be prepared to participate!
Moderators: Yolanda Hart, Miami University Regionals, and Amy Borgert, Edison State Community College
• Session 2 – All Roads Lead to Rome: Alternative Pathways to Degrees
The traditional pathway to a college degree is a wide and well-worn road. It is often discouraging to individuals who do not identify as a traditional student in learning or life situations. Alternative pathways to the same degree obtainment have become abundant and productive for today’s workforce readiness demands. Program experts share their models and successes on micro-credentials, work-force training, apprenticeship academies, and other growing trends that meet the needs of the neo-traditional student for success.
Moderator: Dr. Peggy Chalker, Southern State Community College
Panelists: Chad Bridgman, Sinclair College; Brandi Olberding, Edison State Community College; and Suzanne Smith, Franklin University
• Session 3 – Sphere of Influence: Investigating Your Own Growth and Advocacy Potential
For most of us, our day-to-day work is focused on direct student service or facilitating student success indirectly. But in that space, how often are we reflecting on our own sphere of influence? How often are we educating ourselves on trends and promising practices to grow the power of our sphere? How often are we sharing promising practices of our own with the world? This presentation will look at the ways you can get involved in transfer professional development at various levels, will challenge you to reflect on your current and future contributions to the field, and will remind you why investing in yourself is always worth it – for you and your students!
Presenter: Rachel Fulton, University of Cincinnati
10:45 a.m. ET Break: Chair Yoga with Dr. Candice Grant, OATN
11:00 a.m. ET CCP Panel: Advising, Transitioning, and Receiving an Early College Population
The panelists will share the policies and processes developed for onboarding College Credit Plus (CCP) students to their respective institutions. Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions related to CCP.
Moderator: Kimberly Collins, Sinclair College
Panelists: Charles Long, Sinclair College; Erica Wentworth, Edison State Community College; Maureen Cooper, Franklin University; Hideo Tsuchida, Wright State University
11:45 a.m. ET Break: Feel free to take a true bio break and grab your lunch
12:00 p.m. ET KEYNOTE:
Eric Leach, Ohio Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation
Preparing today’s students to become the workforce of tomorrow…
12:45 p.m. ET Closing comments


October 20, 2023 8:30 am - 1:00 pm(GMT-04:00)

Councils & Committees

SOCHE is dedicated to advancing higher education through active collaboration, resource and knowledge building, and effective professional development programs. To accomplish this, SOCHE administers 16 active Councils and Committees. The purpose of a SOCHE Council or Committee is to provide an opportunity for representatives from higher education to be a resource for one another, share information and best practices, identify common challenges, and, ultimately, broaden awareness of the resources, services, and activities in higher education. SOCHE is also dependent upon the Councils and Committees for substantial input on annual professional development programs.

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