College Students
SOCHE can connect you with internship options, guide you through cross-registration as well as connect you with professional development opportunities.
SOCHE Intern

Finding an internship with SOCHEintern is easy. One application will allow you to be considered for multiple internship programs. College students can apply for year-round and summer internship and co-op positions both on Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (STEM) and with local employers. SOCHEintern also has high school internship opportunities in key industries.
Defense Associated Graduate Student Innovators
DAGSI’s mission is to develop and support world-class graduate engineering education and research programs, thereby contributing to Ohio’s economic growth and development. DAGSI programs are designed to support several key objectives:

- Strengthen Ohio’s academic community in engineering education and research
- Enhance and expand graduate engineering education in Ohio
- Encourage and support advanced research in engineering in Ohio
- Provide skilled engineering talent to Ohio’s workforce
- Provide financial assistance to Ohio students through fellowship programs
The DAGSI partnership effectively expands regional engineering education and research opportunities at the masters and doctoral levels. DAGSI’s ultimate objective is to support Ohio’s economic growth by strengthening the intellectual infrastructure in technology and developing engineering workforce talent.
Cross Registration
The Cross Registration Program allows degree-seeking students access to academic opportunities not available at their own institutions to maintain their current home institution program of study. All registrations are subject to the approval of home and host registrars.
Students enrolled at a college or university within SOCHE may register for courses that are available at other SOCHE institutions and GC3 institutions.

bold compact
Are you ready to advance your career by completing your degree? We have the perfect answer for you – The BOLD (Be Ohio’s Latest Degree Holder) Compact! The BOLD Compact is designed to help students reengage at one of our BOLD Compact Colleges and Universities. If you meet the eligibility requirements, you may qualify for a $5,000 college debt relief.
Are you Ohio BOLD? (Be Ohio’s Latest Degree-holder?)
Click below for more information:

soche scoop
Imagine unraveling a treasure trove of student tips that are woven with workforce best practices, guiding you to navigate the ever-shifting landscape of educational excellence. Just like a skilled journalist uncovers hidden truths, “SOCHE SCOOP” reveals the secret ingredients to fostering and guiding an educated and motivated workforce!

Professional Development

SOCHE partners with the Boulder-based company, Innovative Educators to provide our members with access to StudentLingo, a series of 50 online student success workshops designed to support student learning, personal growth, and health and wellness. Topics include: Time Management, Stress Management, Study Skills, How To Take Tests Online and more. All 50 workshops are closed-captioned in English and Spanish, include resources and activities, and have certificates of completion.
As a result of our partnership, this valuable resource is available at NO COST to SOCHE members. All SOCHE students, faculty, staff, and administrators have access to these workshops upon registration.
Volunteer Opportunities in Ohio
There are a multitude of great non-profits across the Dayton Region who would love to connect with students who are searching for service learning opportunities. SOCHE can assist you in making these connections.


The Dayton region is very robust in federal employment opportunities. SOCHE’s information page will walk you through the different opportunities based upon your college major and will guide you in the application process.