About Us

Formed in 1967, SOCHE is a consortium of colleges and universities in Ohio that promotes educated, employed, and engaged citizens.


SOCHE is a leader for higher collaboration, engaging with colleges, universities, and industry to transform the economy through education and employment.


Grow educational and leadership opportunities for faculty, staff, and students.


Build the Ohio workforce by enhancing employment prospects for students and graduates.


Model collaboration excellence to find innovative solutions to advance higher education.


Establish SOCHE as the backbone organization of distinction in higher education.



Build our team focused on trust and accountability.


Strive to be ethically grounded and act with integrity and excellence every day.


Build programming for all in an equitable way.


Remain conscious of community needs and collaboration to effect change.

SOCHE Membership:
Something for Everyone

College and University Deans, Officers, and Directors

  • Councils or committees for most program directors on campus to collaborate with peers at other institutions. Go to the Councils and Committees page
  • Special task forces to tackle pressing issues, like COVID-19.
  • ODHE advocate for significant concerns impacting institutions.
    Collaborative grant opportunities.


Faculty and Staff

  • Hundreds of FREE webinars are available for personal and classroom use through a partnership with Innovative Educators. Go to the Webinars page
  • Opportunities for personal and professional development through workshops, lunch and learns, and flexible course delivery webinars on various topics. Go to the Events page
  • Collaborative meetings to share best practices, resources, and professional development tools. Go to the Councils and Committees page
  • Funding opportunities to support research. Go to the DAGSI page

SOCHE by the Numbers

We’ve collected statistics for enrollment and achievements of all SOCHE members over the past six academic years. Scroll over the table below to highlight a specific stat and see how it has evolved.

SOCHE Members Combined Stats 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 2008-09 2007-08
Students enrolled (FTE) 138,266 137,427 146,197 149,762 149,236 150,788 89,339 90,459 85,759 71,336 63,278 64,080 62,410
Students enrolled (Unduplicated Headcount) 226, 384 219,296 189,536 194,699 227,620 230,158 155,564 117,770 108,211 117,115 112,508 108,898 104,059
Out of state students* 4,013 4,511 3,670 4,047 4,948 5,137 1,755* 5,639 1,779 2,111 1,711 2,099 1,981
Undergraduate degrees awarded 19,109 19,810 22,672 22,693 20,375 21,712 10,718 10,976 9,908 6,271 6,791 6,760 6,418
Associate degrees awarded 6,544 6,291 6,239 6,346 5,872 5,313 4,567 5,102 3,437 3,649 3,273 3,307 3,055
Undergraduate STEMM degrees awarded 4,827 4,973 9,909 9,793 2,368 2,105 1,195 1,215 5,477 1,648 1,459 1,460 1,372
Undergraduate degrees awarded to Black and Hispanic students 2,089 2,159 3,184 3,063 2,266 2,380 1,806 3,342 1,377 918 890 890 914
Graduate and professional degrees awarded 8,875 8,864 10,996 10,913 9,604 9,169 5,184 5,182 5,764 3,413 2,874 2,918 2,958
Graduate and professional degrees awarded to Black and Hispanic students 914 903 1,266 1,201 1,067 1,054 889 996 994 314 373 272 307
Certificates awarded 8,085 8,227 6,019 5,566 5,902 4,592 2,016 3,173 2,712 2,734 2,653 2,110 2,419

* First time undergraduates only. Only 19 institutions reported this statistic. 20 institutions reported for 16-17 and 17-18 years.

Economic Impact Study

This study employs data from SOCHE member institutions about enrollment, staffing, revenues, and expenditures, along with data from other research on non-local student and visitor spending, taxes, and employment by industry to assess the impacts on the economy.

The History of SOCHE

In 1967, the DMVC was formed to promote community service and inter-institutional cooperation in order to achieve educational advancement, research development, and administrative efficiency of the member institutions. 50+ years later we strive for the same goals by connecting higher education institutions to increase opportunity, propel change, and promote education.

DMVC is Created
The Dayton Miami Valley Consortium was created in 1967 with the purpose of serving students and higher education in the Miami Valley.
Xenia Tornado
SOCHE worked with member institutions to respond to the Xenia Tornado of 1974.
Project Reach
Project Reach guided individuals into a college education by providing encouragement, information, and opportunities for success.
Established SOCHE office at Wright-Patterson AFB
1979-2017 this office worked to provide better educational opportunities for military personnel and promote a better relationship between Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and the local community.
DMVC name change to SOCHE (Southwestern Ohio Council for Higher Education)
Faculty Retreat for Diversity Awareness
SOCHE created the Diversity Awareness and Campus Climate Committee and hosted workshops on strengthening diversity in higher education.
Technology in the Classroom & Distance Learning Workshop
This hands-on workshop featured advanced sessions on working with technology in the classroom and distance education.
GC3 (formerly GCCCU) Partnership
This agreement with the Greater Cincinnati Collegiate Connection (GC3) continues to allow SOCHE students to cross-register with GC3 institutions in a manner similar to the current cross-registration process within SOCHE.
SOCHE Sustainability Committee
The SOCHE Sustainability Committee was formed to share information with member institutions and to work towards economic, social, and environmental sustainability.
SOCHE Intern
SOCHE Intern’s focus is working with businesses, city, and county government organizations across the Miami Valley to recruit and hire interns. Since 2012, SOCHE has developed relationships with over 50 companies and governmental agencies across the region and places hundreds of interns in companies with a variety of specialty areas to include human resources, business administration, marketing, supply chain management, engineering, program management, quality control, and many more.
TEDx Dayton
SOCHE became the fiscal agent for TEDx Dayton.
First Ohio Internship and Co-Op Appreciation Day Observed
Senator Bill Beagle’s office worked closely with the Southwestern Ohio Council for Higher Education (SOCHE) to envision Senate Bill 227 and present proponent testimony to the Ohio Senate and House. Gov. John Kasich recently signed into law Senate Bill 227, sponsored by Sen. Bill Beagle, “to designate the second Tuesday of April as Ohio Internship and Co-op Appreciation Day.” In partnership with CareSource, SOCHE celebrated the inaugural Ohio Internship and Co-Op Appreciation Day on Tuesday, April 14, at CareSource in downtown Dayton.
Innovative Educators
SOCHE established a partnership with Innovative Educators to provide our members access to over 300 professional development training courses, as well as access to unlimited live webinars covering the most pressing topics in higher education.
SOCHE welcomes the Aerospace Professional Development Center (APDC) to help shape the future growth of the aerospace and aviation industry.
Career Adventures Camp
The goal of the Career Adventures Camp was to provide Dayton area middle schoolers an opportunity to learn about and visit locations of in-demand career fields.
Dayton Strong
SOCHE joins other area organizations to host the Dayton Strong Benefit Concert to raise funds for people affected by the 2019 Dayton Tornado. SOCHE joins other area organizations to host the Dayton Strong Benefit Concert to raise funds for people affected by the 2019 Dayton Tornado.
Workforce We Need Summit
The purpose of the Workforce We Need Summit was to bring together Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB) leadership with Ohio College and University leadership to share the current and future workforce opportunities at WPAFB. This event provided college leadership with an understanding of WPAFB missions and the career opportunities available.
COVID Taskforce
SOCHE conducted collaborative meetings to bring together leaders from SOCHE colleges and universities to discuss COVID-19 challenges, share best practices, and define new policies and procedures for schools to reopen.
Consortium Libraries Share Materials
Librarians from SOCHE member libraries shared resources through an agreement with United Parcel Service for delivery service at $2 a week per institution.
Cross Registration Program
Created and continues to provide eligible students enrolled at any SOCHE member institution the opportunity to register and receive credit for courses offered by other participating SOCHE institutions.
Committee on the Academic Uses of the Computer for Education
1978-1988 this committee worked to integrate computer technology into education.
Air Force Research Lab (AFRL)
AFRL’s goal was to provide student interns in support of AFRL’s mission of providing world class research and development to advance the Air Force mission. Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) The original AFIT contract was awarded in the late 1980’s. The goal was to provide student interns to support AFIT’s mission-essential role of providing high-quality academic and continuing education, research, and development programs to enable the Air Force to sustain its competitive advantage.
Cable Television for Educational Outreach Committee
Identified first generation and economically disadvantaged youth to either reenroll in high school or the equivalent for a postsecondary degree.
Articulation Workshop: Reducing Barriers and Expanding Educational Opportunities
Created a more visible presence for the work of transfer advisors on member campuses.
Degree Finder
Pioneered the new SOCHE Degree Finder which provides the Miami Valley’s first web-based listing of over 700 degrees offered by SOCHE member institutions.
Democracy in Action Award
13 campuses received Democracy in Action awards for hosting events following the tragedies of 9/11 & SOCHE conducted a faculty retreat focused on Higher Education’s reaction to International Conflict and Terrorism.
In collaboration with ThinkTV and WYSO, SOCHE Talks was designed to enlighten the listener with knowledge from higher education institutions in Southwestern Ohio.
Ohio Internship and Co-op Appreciation Day
SOCHE President worked with Senator Beagle on the development and passage of the Ohio Internship and Co-op Appreciation Day (2nd Tuesday in April).
The “We’re All In” conference brought 200 colleagues to the Dayton Art Institute (DAI) to discuss the future of higher education.
Cincinnati-Dayton Cyber Corridor was created to establish and enhance Southwestern Ohio’s reputation as a national leader in cybersecurity education, research and private and public partnerships.
Ohio Community Connectors
The grant allowed SOCHE to work with underserved middle school children in the Dayton region to provide them an overview of in-demand careers through camp activities.
SOCHE Engage
SOCHE Engage creates regional workforce initiatives and internship management to connect industry employers with talented students to develop the workforce of tomorrow by providing experiential learning opportunities to students through paid internships.
myVeteran Community
myVeteran Community joins SOCHE to encourage community involvement. VA and community leaders have begun participating more actively in community-based efforts to maximize the collective impact of local services, stakeholders, and federal/state agencies working together to improve Veteran outcomes.
SOCHE launched the 20 by 20 Challenge in 2013 focused on increasing the number of internships in the region to 20,000 per year by 2020. Eight years later, the number of internships has increased at an annual growth rate of over 10%!
Launch of Federal Employment Portal
Portal designed to provide all job seekers quick and easy access to Federal employment opportunities.
SOCHE Changes Names
SOCHE changes name from Southwestern Ohio Council for Higher Education to Strategic Ohio Council for Higher Education to better reflect the mission and expanding services that extend beyond Southwestern Ohio.
Committee on the Academic Uses of the Computer for Education
1978-1988 this committee worked to integrate computer technology into education.
Air Force Research Lab (AFRL)
AFRL’s goal was to provide student interns in support of AFRL’s mission of providing world class research and development to advance the Air Force mission.

Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT)

The original AFIT contract was awarded in the late 1980’s. The goal was to provide student interns to support AFIT’s mission-essential role of providing high-quality academic and continuing education, research, and development programs to enable the Air Force to sustain its competitive advantage.
Cable Television for Educational Outreach Committee
Identified first generation and economically disadvantaged youth to either reenroll in high school or the equivalent for a postsecondary degree.
Established SOCHE office at Wright-Patterson AFB
1979-2017 this office worked to provide better educational opportunities for military personnel and promote a better relationship between Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and the local community.
DMVC name change to SOCHE (Southwestern Ohio Council for Higher Education)
Faculty Retreat for Diversity Awareness
SOCHE created the Diversity Awareness and Campus Climate Committee and hosted workshops on strengthening diversity in higher education.
Technology in the Classroom & Distance Learning Workshop
This hands-on workshop featured advanced sessions on working with technology in the classroom and distance education.
GC3 (formerly GCCCU) Partnership
This agreement with the Greater Cincinnati Collegiate Connection (GC3) continues to allow SOCHE students to cross-register with GC3 institutions in a manner similar to the current cross-registration process within SOCHE.
Articulation Workshop: Reducing Barriers and Expanding Educational Opportunities
Created a more visible presence for the work of transfer advisors on member campuses.
Degree Finder
Pioneered the new SOCHE Degree Finder which provides the Miami Valley’s first web-based listing of over 700 degrees offered by SOCHE member institutions.
Democracy in Action Award
13 campuses received Democracy in Action awards for hosting events following the tragedies of 9/11 & SOCHE conducted a faculty retreat focused on Higher Education’s reaction to International Conflict and Terrorism.
In collaboration with ThinkTV and WYSO, SOCHE Talks was designed to enlighten the listener with knowledge from higher education institutions in Southwestern Ohio.
Ohio Internship and Co-op Appreciation Day
SOCHE President worked with Senator Beagle on the development and passage of the Ohio Internship and Co-op Appreciation Day (2nd Tuesday in April).
SOCHE Sustainability Committee
The SOCHE Sustainability Committee was formed to share information with member institutions and to work towards economic, social, and environmental sustainability.
SOCHE Intern
SOCHE Intern’s focus is working with businesses, city, and county government organizations across the Miami Valley to recruit and hire interns. Since 2012, SOCHE has developed relationships with over 50 companies and governmental agencies across the region and places hundreds of interns in companies with a variety of specialty areas to include human resources, business administration, marketing, supply chain management, engineering, program management, quality control, and many more.
TEDx Dayton
SOCHE became the fiscal agent for TEDx Dayton.
First Ohio Internship and Co-Op Appreciation Day Observed
Senator Bill Beagle’s office worked closely with the Southwestern Ohio Council for Higher Education (SOCHE) to envision Senate Bill 227 and present proponent testimony to the Ohio Senate and House. Gov. John Kasich recently signed into law Senate Bill 227, sponsored by Sen. Bill Beagle, “to designate the second Tuesday of April as Ohio Internship and Co-op Appreciation Day.” In partnership with CareSource, SOCHE celebrated the inaugural Ohio Internship and Co-Op Appreciation Day on Tuesday, April 14, at CareSource in downtown Dayton.
Innovative Educators
SOCHE established a partnership with Innovative Educators to provide our members access to over 300 professional development training courses, as well as access to unlimited live webinars covering the most pressing topics in higher education.
The “We’re All In” conference brought 200 colleagues to the Dayton Art Institute (DAI) to discuss the future of higher education.
Cincinnati-Dayton Cyber Corridor was created to establish and enhance Southwestern Ohio’s reputation as a national leader in cybersecurity education, research and private and public partnerships.
Ohio Community Connectors
The grant allowed SOCHE to work with underserved middle school children in the Dayton region to provide them an overview of in-demand careers through camp activities.
SOCHE Engage
SOCHE Engage creates regional workforce initiatives and internship management to connect industry employers with talented students to develop the workforce of tomorrow by providing experiential learning opportunities to students through paid internships.
myVeteran Community
myVeteran Community joins SOCHE to encourage community involvement. VA and community leaders have begun participating more actively in community-based efforts to maximize the collective impact of local services, stakeholders, and federal/state agencies working together to improve Veteran outcomes.
SOCHE welcomes the Aerospace Professional Development Center (APDC) to help shape the future growth of the aerospace and aviation industry.
Career Adventures Camp
The goal of the Career Adventures Camp was to provide Dayton area middle schoolers an opportunity to learn about and visit locations of in-demand career fields.
Dayton Strong
SOCHE joins other area organizations to host the Dayton Strong Benefit Concert to raise funds for people affected by the 2019 Dayton Tornado.
Workforce We Need Summit
The purpose of the Workforce We Need Summit was to bring together Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB) leadership with Ohio College and University leadership to share the current and future workforce opportunities at WPAFB. This event provided college leadership with an understanding of WPAFB missions and the career opportunities available.
SOCHE launched the 20 by 20 Challenge in 2013 focused on increasing the number of internships in the region to 20,000 per year by 2020. Eight years later, the number of internships has increased at an annual growth rate of over 10%!
Launch of Federal Employment Portal
Portal designed to provide all job seekers quick and easy access to Federal employment opportunities.
SOCHE Changes Names
SOCHE changes name from Southwestern Ohio Council for Higher Education to (Strategic Ohio Council for Higher Education) to better reflect the mission and expanding services that extend beyond Southwestern Ohio.
COVID Taskforce
SOCHE conducted collaborative meetings to bring together leaders from SOCHE colleges and universities to discuss COVID-19 challenges, share best practices, and define new policies and procedures for schools to reopen.
DMVC is Created
The Dayton Miami Valley Consortium was created in 1967 with the purpose of serving students and higher education in the Miami Valley.
Consortium Libraries Share Materials
Librarians from SOCHE member libraries shared resources through an agreement with United Parcel Service for delivery service at $2 a week per institution.
Xenia Tornado
SOCHE worked with member institutions to respond to the Xenia Tornado of 1974.
Cross Registration Program
Created and continues to provide eligible students enrolled at any SOCHE member institution the opportunity to register and receive credit for courses offered by other participating SOCHE institutions.
Project Reach
Project Reach guided individuals into a college education by providing encouragement, information, and opportunities for success.
Committee on the Academic Uses of the Computer for Education
1978-1988 this committee worked to integrate computer technology into education.
Air Force Research Lab (AFRL)
AFRL’s goal was to provide student interns in support of AFRL’s mission of providing world class research and development to advance the Air Force mission.

Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT)

The original AFIT contract was awarded in the late 1980’s. The goal was to provide student interns to support AFIT’s mission-essential role of providing high-quality academic and continuing education, research, and development programs to enable the Air Force to sustain its competitive advantage.
DMVC name change to SOCHE (Southwestern Ohio Council for Higher Education)
Cable Television for Educational Outreach Committee
Identified first generation and economically disadvantaged youth to either reenroll in high school or the equivalent for a postsecondary degree.
Faculty Retreat for Diversity Awareness
SOCHE created the Diversity Awareness and Campus Climate Committee and hosted workshops on strengthening diversity in higher education.
Articulation Workshop: Reducing Barriers and Expanding Educational Opportunities
Created a more visible presence for the work of transfer advisors on member campuses.
Technology in the Classroom & Distance Learning Workshop
This hands-on workshop featured advanced sessions on working with technology in the classroom and distance education.
Degree Finder
Pioneered the new SOCHE Degree Finder which provides the Miami Valley’s first web-based listing of over 700 degrees offered by SOCHE member institutions.
GC3 (formerly GCCCU) Partnership
This agreement with the Greater Cincinnati Collegiate Connection (GC3) continues to allow SOCHE students to cross-register with GC3 institutions in a manner similar to the current cross-registration process within SOCHE.
Democracy in Action Award
13 campuses received Democracy in Action awards for hosting events following the tragedies of 9/11 & SOCHE conducted a faculty retreat focused on Higher Education’s reaction to International Conflict and Terrorism.
SOCHE Sustainability Committee
The SOCHE Sustainability Committee was formed to share information with member institutions and to work towards economic, social, and environmental sustainability.
In collaboration with ThinkTV and WYSO, SOCHE Talks was designed to enlighten the listener with knowledge from higher education institutions in Southwestern Ohio.
SOCHE Intern
SOCHE Intern’s focus is working with businesses, city, and county government organizations across the Miami Valley to recruit and hire interns. Since 2012, SOCHE has developed relationships with over 50 companies and governmental agencies across the region and places hundreds of interns in companies with a variety of specialty areas to include human resources, business administration, marketing, supply chain management, engineering, program management, quality control, and many more.
Ohio Internship and Co-op Appreciation Day
SOCHE President worked with Senator Beagle on the development and passage of the Ohio Internship and Co-op Appreciation Day (2nd Tuesday in April).
TEDx Dayton
SOCHE became the fiscal agent for TEDx Dayton.
The “We’re All In” conference brought 200 colleagues to the Dayton Art Institute (DAI) to discuss the future of higher education.
First Ohio Internship and Co-Op Appreciation Day Observed
Senator Bill Beagle’s office worked closely with the Southwestern Ohio Council for Higher Education (SOCHE) to envision Senate Bill 227 and present proponent testimony to the Ohio Senate and House. Gov. John Kasich recently signed into law Senate Bill 227, sponsored by Sen. Bill Beagle, “to designate the second Tuesday of April as Ohio Internship and Co-op Appreciation Day.” In partnership with CareSource, SOCHE celebrated the inaugural Ohio Internship and Co-Op Appreciation Day on Tuesday, April 14, at CareSource in downtown Dayton.
Cincinnati-Dayton Cyber Corridor was created to establish and enhance Southwestern Ohio’s reputation as a national leader in cybersecurity education, research and private and public partnerships.
Innovative Educators
SOCHE established a partnership with Innovative Educators to provide our members access to over 300 professional development training courses, as well as access to unlimited live webinars covering the most pressing topics in higher education.
Ohio Community Connectors
The grant allowed SOCHE to work with underserved middle school children in the Dayton region to provide them an overview of in-demand careers through camp activities.
SOCHE welcomes the Aerospace Professional Development Center (APDC) to help shape the future growth of the aerospace and aviation industry.
SOCHE Engage
SOCHE Engage creates regional workforce initiatives and internship management to connect industry employers with talented students to develop the workforce of tomorrow by providing experiential learning opportunities to students through paid internships.
Career Adventures Camp
The goal of the Career Adventures Camp was to provide Dayton area middle schoolers an opportunity to learn about and visit locations of in-demand career fields.
myVeteran Community
myVeteran Community joins SOCHE to encourage community involvement. VA and community leaders have begun participating more actively in community-based efforts to maximize the collective impact of local services, stakeholders, and federal/state agencies working together to improve Veteran outcomes.
Dayton Strong
SOCHE joins other area organizations to host the Dayton Strong Benefit Concert to raise funds for people affected by the 2019 Dayton Tornado.
SOCHE launched the 20 by 20 Challenge in 2013 focused on increasing the number of internships in the region to 20,000 per year by 2020. Eight years later, the number of internships has increased at an annual growth rate of over 10%!
Workforce We Need Summit
The purpose of the Workforce We Need Summit was to bring together Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB) leadership with Ohio College and University leadership to share the current and future workforce opportunities at WPAFB. This event provided college leadership with an understanding of WPAFB missions and the career opportunities available.
Launch of Federal Employment Portal
Portal designed to provide all job seekers quick and easy access to Federal employment opportunities.
COVID Taskforce
SOCHE conducted collaborative meetings to bring together leaders from SOCHE colleges and universities to discuss COVID-19 challenges, share best practices, and define new policies and procedures for schools to reopen.
SOCHE Changes Names
SOCHE changes name from Southwestern Ohio Council for Higher Education to Strategic Ohio Council for Higher Education to better reflect the mission and expanding services that extend beyond Southwestern Ohio.

Meet Our Members

SOCHE is an alliance of academic organizations that provide higher education in their communities. Each member is an advocate of innovation, opportunity and success. They strive to promote scholastic achievement through the development of new technologies and quality education.

Board of Trustees

SOCHE is governed by a Board of Trustees which includes presidents and representatives from member colleges, universities, and corporations.

The Executive Committee is responsible for the governance activities of the Consortium.

The duties of the Executive Committee include:

  • Providing communication links among members.
  • Consulting with members about varied interests relating to the activities of the Council.
  • Assisting in preparation of proposals to the Board. Projects, programs, and activities approved by the Board are carried out under the direction of the Executive Committee in accordance with the polices and instructions of the Board.

The Executive Committee prepares the annual budget for submission to the Board and is charged with responsibility for the expenditure of the Council’s funds in accordance with the determination of the Board. The Executive Committee discharges these responsibilities through appointed staff.

Meet the SOCHE Team

Cassie Barlow


Patty Buddelmeyer

Executive VP of Development

Karen Manzo

Senior VP Finance & Contracts

Sandra Logan Wild

Senior Business Manager

Mindy Claggett

Executive Program Manager

Brittany Edwards

Executive Program Manager

Lauren Mitchell

DAGSI Program Manager

Melissa Quinn

Senior Program Manager, Customer Relations, and Industry Sector Partnerships

Anita Burns

Senior Accounting Manager

Sandy Henry

Executive Program Manager

Kersten Rosenberger

Executive Program Manager

Jesse Griffin

Marketing Director

Madelyn Schaeffer

Program Manager

Board Members

Jane Fernandes


Bill Groves


Thomas White


Morakinyo A.O. Kuti,


Monica Posey


Jo Alice Blondin


Christopher Spradlin


David Decker


Nate Brandstater

Past Chairperson

Derek Barker

Program Officer

Ande Durojaiye


Lori Stewart Gonzales


Steven Johnson


Eric Braun


Cassie Barlow


Nicole Roades


Neville G. Pinto


Eric Spina

Vice Chairperson

Vann Newkirk


Dr. Tim Collins


Corey Cockerill


Michael Frandsen


Susan Edwards


Councils & Committees

SOCHE is dedicated to advancing higher education through active collaboration, resource and knowledge building, and effective professional development programs. To accomplish this, SOCHE administers 16 active Councils and Committees. The purpose of a SOCHE Council or Committee is to provide an opportunity for representatives from higher education to be a resource for one another, share information and best practices, identify common challenges, and, ultimately, broaden awareness of the resources, services, and activities in higher education. SOCHE is also dependent upon the Councils and Committees for substantial input on annual professional development programs.

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