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award winners 2020-2021

Alissa Mason
Business Manager in the Systems Engineering and Management Department
Air Force Institute of Technology

Alissa Mason worked diligently to obtain all the equipment necessary for AFIT faculty to teach students remotely, so that classes could continue via distance learning during the COVID-19 national health emergency. Her actions assured student success because students were able to continue learning despite the cancelling of in-person classes. Alissa worked closely with faculty and staff to assure department and research budgets were properly and efficiently executed at the end of the fiscal year, despite the difficulties encountered due to the COVID-19 national health emergency. She also enthusiastically helped other AFIT/EN departments complete their end-of-year purchases in a timely manner and properly prioritized tasks to meet the mission needs of the department and the Institute.


Dr. Hengky Chandrahalim

Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering

Air Force Institute of Technology

Dr. Hengky Chandrahalim demonstrated the highest levels of teaching excellence during the 2019-2020 academic year at AFIT. He received near-perfect student evaluation scores in all categories in every course he taught during the year. In addition to his teaching excellence, he goes above and beyond in service through his leadership as the Director of the Cleanroom. Finally, his research contributions have been exemplary, with numerous publications and patent applications to his name. From his students: “Despite the challenges presented by the COVID pandemic, this was an excellent course.” “The in-class examples were very helpful. The paper assignment was an excellent way to learn how my research applies to the course material. The combination of quizzes and homework assignments helped build an understanding of a material and what was expected.”


Maj. Levi Thomas

Assistant Professor of Aerospace Engineering

Air Force Institute of Technology

Major Levi Thomas teaches coursework in image processing, thermodynamics, hypersonics, and fluid measurements at AFIT. His fluids measurement course is lab-based and requires in-person attendance due to the hands-on aspects of the course, for which he has received acclaim from students. Despite an extraordinary time-commitment, he offered multiple sections of the labs over summer quarter, to deliver his high-quality education, while respecting COVID-induced gathering size limitations.


In addition to his normal faculty duties, Maj. Thomas is the division chief for student operations within the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics. As such, he is responsible for daily operations, logistics and evaluations for over 100 MS and PhD students in all four academic programs within the department. He has updated the evaluation process for active-duty students and developed the communication plan for students during the COVID-19 campus access shutdown. Additionally, he handled the logistics for the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) visit to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, overcoming severe travel obstacles in place due to COVID-19. He conducted the technical writing for the SAB study which informs the Air Force technology development strategy.


Maj. Thomas leads a five-member research group developing next generation aircraft armor to increase the survivability of warfighting aircraft. He also conducts research into heat transfer associated with hypersonic flight, as well as propulsion considerations for hypersonic vehicles. He was awarded $100k in grants this year for his research projects. His research accomplishments are evident, in that he has already published five journal articles during his three years on the AFIT faculty.


Ranell Easterday

Executive Business Manager in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Air Force Institute of Technology

Ranell (Nell) Easterday has managed the business processes for AFIT’s Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics with consummate skill, providing critical support to the department’s 28 faculty and 40 staff. As the lead expert for the department’s programming, budget execution, travel, and government purchasing processes, she has flawlessly managed the department’s $300K operational budget and $1.4M research budget annually.  She is recognized across AFIT for her proficiency and success in navigating the annual Unfunded Requirements (UFR) process, wringing the maximum value out of every government dollar budgeted; and she voluntarily provided UFR coordination for all six departments across AFIT’s Graduate School of Engineering and Management.


Ranell’s support has laid the foundation for success for the more than 100 students enrolled in the department at any given time, pursuing one of four programs at the graduate certificate, Master’s, or Ph.D. level. She has deftly managed all student records and education plans; she has freely shared with students and faculty advisors her expertise in AFIT’s student information system; and her advice and assistance with thesis and dissertation processing has proven invaluable for each graduating student.


Dr. Andrew Straw

Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice in the School of Pharmacy

Cedarville University

Andrew Straw was selected for his work in preparing all of Cedarville University for teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. When the faculty got the announcement for remote learning on a Tuesday, he prepared and implemented a school-wide training on using Zoom for Team-Based Learning and Peer Instruction, as well as Zoom basics by that Friday. He supported all the faculty tirelessly with their questions, as both a Canvas fellow and their resident tech expert! Then, in preparation for the new resources for this fall, he built an entire Canvas course with tutorials to train and prepare faculty to use each of the various equipment items for their rooms. He tested and implemented the owl systems and collaboration room web cams. Andrew Straw has always been noted by Cedarville students and faculty for being an exceptional teacher. He teaches self-care products (OTCs), and he has students focus on their own self-care, with a large focus on spiritual self-care.


Dr. Joshua Kira

Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Theology in the School of Biblical and Theological Studies

Cedarville University

Dr. Joshua Kira tirelessly coordinates the Bible Minor portion of Cedarville’s General Education core for students across Cedarville University. This is a monumental undertaking to ensure that students can progress through the Minor. Dr. Kira is also actively engaged in faculty development initiatives on campus. 


Rob McDole

Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning

Cedarville University

Under Rob’s leadership, the Center for Teaching and Learning helped Cedarville University faculty to transition 1000 courses to fully online learning in 4 days. He has led his team to onboard a new learning management system (LMS) and establish an effective training process. He ensures courses are developed with best instructional design standards and demonstrates a servant heart in advancing online delivery.


Dr. Nanyi Qiang

Assistant Professor of Music in the Department of Fine and Performing Arts

Central State University

Dr. Nanyi Qiang, an accomplished musician in piano and electronic music composition, brings creative energy to learning music at Central State. Applying knowledge and skills gained from integrating electronics into live performances, he incorporates electronic music composition into his classroom. These efforts have revitalized course instruction unique to him, providing an opportunity for non-music majors to engage in creative activity using technologies allowing for easy access to music composition.


Dr. Mohammadreza Hadizadeh

Assistant Professor of Physics in the Department of Agricultural and Life Sciences

Central State University

Central State’s Dr. Mohammadreza Hadizadeh is an accomplished researcher with a significant record of peer-reviewed publications, including a notable 2020 article in Nature’s Scientific Reports. Recently, he received an HBCU-EiR award from NSF to support quantum mechanics research and involve students in computational physics for three years. His pedagogical approach to teaching is very student-centered, utilizing significant computational and adaptive software technologies and resources to enhance student learning outcomes and success in the classroom and laboratory.


Bert Lockwood

Distinguished Service Professor of Law and Director, Urban Morgan Institute for Human Rights, College of Law

University of Cincinnati

Professor Bert Lockwood is a pioneer in the field of international human rights. Besides challenging issues like racial discrimination or welfare rights, he serves as editor-in-chief of the Human Rights Quarterly, a leading academic journal in the field of human rights. Professor Lockwood also is the series editor of the “Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights,” published by the University of Pennsylvania Press. He was awarded the UC Faculty Career award for 2019-20 for his excellence in teaching, service, and scholarship. UC Law graduate Terry Coonan, executive director for the Center for Advancement of Human Rights at Florida State University, credits the human rights education provided by Lockwood as helping him recover from human rights abuses. Coonan writes, “He gave me a toolkit that I continue to use as I represent survivors of egregious human rights violations from around the world. It has been an all-important means of fighting back — of being a voice for a great many voiceless people.”


Dr. Karen Machleit

Professor and Department Head, Department of Marketing

University of Cincinnati

Professor Karen Machleit is an internationally renowned researcher in Retail Atmospherics at the University of Cincinnati. Her articles are widely cited and are known as the seminal articles in online retailing research. Machleit has created a highly productive, world-class behavioral research lab dedicated to the study of consumer behavior. Machleit models excellence in teaching and has served as department head for 17 years. She was awarded the UC Faculty Career award for 2019-20 for her excellent contributions in teaching, service, and scholarship.


Jodie Driggs

End User and Classroom Support Specialist in the Information Technologies Department

Cincinnati State Technical and Community College

Jodie Driggs serves Cincinnati State Technical and Community College as an End User and Classroom Support Specialist in Clifton. She is also the primary IT support for the college’s remote locations of Middletown, Evendale, and Harrison. She is not only an excellent staff member, but she is also an alumna. Graduating in 2012 with an associate degree in Network Administration, Jodie has served Cincinnati State for almost eight years full time after completing her program requirements as a Help Desk co-op student for one year.


During the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic, as the College was transitioning to remote instruction and all of employees were trying to work remote, Jodie would deliver laptops to employees in parking lots and at their homes. Jodie worked many hours into the evening, helping staff connect to the College’s VPN, office computers, and other essential college services. Jodie volunteered to answer the Help Desk cell phone during evenings and weekends, in addition to answering the daily barrage of phone calls to the Help Desk phone lines.


Jodie also started mask-making for family, friends, and co-workers during her COVID quarantine time.


Patricia “Patty” Edwards

Manager, End User & Classroom Support in the Information Technologies Department

Cincinnati State Technical and Community College

Patty Edwards has served Cincinnati State Technical and Community College for almost 15 years as the End User and Classroom Support Manager, assuring students, faculty, and staff are provided efficient and timely technology support.


When the COVID-19 pandemic abruptly shifted students, faculty, and staff to a remote learning environment, all employees had to make adjustments. These were unprecedented times, requiring everyone to contribute to the success of their students and the sound operations of the College in different ways. Patty was essential to supporting end users as they transitioned to remote operations. She worked with a task force to coordinate the process for the school’s Student Technology Loaner Program — making laptops and hotspots available to students. A few months later, a similar process was used to deploy new laptops to faculty members.


During the early stages of the pandemic, Ohio’s stay-at-home order left Patty and the CIO as the only two IT personnel working on campus. Although a schedule for equipment pick-up was established, there were times Patty came in early or stayed late to accommodate a student’s special need.


Student requests for loaner equipment continued to grow since the program started, so an additional 200 laptops and hotspots were purchased. In addition, faculty members received new laptops and followed the same pick-up process as students.


One of Patty’s most important principles of success is going the extra mile, and this is evident in how she supported and continues to support the College during extraordinary circumstances. 


Julianna Johns

Director, Center for Teaching and Learning

Cincinnati State Technical and Community College

Dr. Julianna Johns is the Director of Cincinnati State’s Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) and is a tenured professor of Biology, entering her 30th year teaching natural science courses and skills for science courses in secondary and higher education settings.  


As the Director of the CTL, Julee has presented and facilitated a variety of professional development opportunities for faculty. The CTL serves the entire College, with a focus on teaching and learning activities.  Since March 2020 the CTL, in collaboration with Cincinnati State’s Office of Online Learning, has helped over 600 faculty members transition to fully remote instruction. The CTL provides workshops each semester, such as a “Teaching in the Time of COVID” series, to address the fast-changing instructional environment during the pandemic. Additionally, the CTL provides numerous learning opportunities for faculty and staff, ensuring ongoing curriculum improvement and professional development that assists peers and students. 


Julee is an author of the Cincinnati State course “Integrated General Biology and Skills for Success in Science” that prepares students in Health and Allied Health programs for challenging gateway courses, like Anatomy and Physiology. 


Dr. Jon P. McKamey

Instructional Designer/Professor in the Office of Online Learning

Cincinnati State Technical and Community College

Dr. Jon P. McKamey is an instructional designer and professor at Cincinnati State Technical and Community College. He arrived at the former Cincinnati Technical College in July 1987 as the Coordinator of Media Services, working with classroom technology until 2003, when he joined the faculty as the college’s instructional designer. He was awarded tenure in 2008. In the Office of Online Learning, he is chiefly responsible for the design and development of remote learning opportunities and assisting his colleagues to integrate technology into all course modalities. He is a certified Quality Matters Peer Reviewer, plans and delivers many professional development offerings, and provides Blackboard training and support. Dr. McKamey has developed and taught Educational Technology for the Early Childhood program and an online College Survival Skills course for the First Year Experience department. He has been serving on the Provost’s Academic Response Team since March 2020, when the pandemic forced all courses into a remote format. He also serves as a member of the Faculty Senate and on various faculty committees. He is a past recipient of the House Bruckmann Faculty Excellence Award and the college’s Loyal Service Award.


Lynn Geist

Instructor, Human Resources and Management in the School of Business and Applied Technologies

Clark State College

Lynn Geist has done so much work, in so little time, for the Management program at Clark State. She has energized the advisory committee membership, worked diligently to make improvements to the New Faculty Orientation course, and provided strong leadership as co-chair of the SPARC committee.


Tammy Watt

Professor of Social Services Technology in the School of Health, Human, and Public Services

Clark State College

Tammy Watt’s extensive experience as a social work educator is evident in the learning experiences and assignments, she designs at Clark State. She understands her student population and is intentional in setting them up for success in her courses. When Clark State had to make a sudden shift to virtual instruction due to COVID-19, she effectively utilized technology to support student learning.


Dr. Jun-Ki Choi

Associate Professor in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department

University of Dayton

Dr. Jun-Ki Choi has made significant contributions to student learning at the University of Dayton, through both teaching and research in sustainability by engaging students in real-world problems. Dr. Choi is a passionate facilitator who regularly employs project-based learning, active learning, and experiential learning. Dr. Choi has participated in several professional-development opportunities on teaching such as the National Teaching Effective Institute, KEEN Fellows, and the Laudato Si Catholic Education Institute.


Dr. Umesh Haritashya

Associate Professor and Mann Chair in the Natural Sciences in the Geology Department

University of Dayton

An associate professor at the University of Dayton, Dr. Umesh Haritashya’s research has addressed the fact that alpine environments are complex and sensitive to climate change; therefore, understanding linkage between the entire ecosystem and its interactions and feedback mechanisms is key to finding unique solutions. His research includes glacial-fluvial processes, natural hazard and ecosystem modeling, snow and glacier hydrological modeling, and surface processes and physical-climate feedback mechanisms. His research projects have had international impacts, and he has published a major book and in high-impact journals.


Andrea Seielstad

Professor of Law and Director of Clinical Programs in the School of Law

University of Dayton

Professor Andrea Seielstad teaches courses and directs the University of Dayton Law School’s clinical program, an in-house law office providing the opportunity for real clients who can’t afford attorneys to receive legal assistance from third-year law students under the supervision of faculty licensed attorneys. She serves on many committees, most notably the Academic Senate and its Executive and Faculty Affairs committees. She serves on area boards and national associations and represents individual Native Americans in habeas corpus and civil-rights cases.


Kristen Altenau Keen

Assistant Dean of Students and Director of the Brook Center

University of Dayton

Kristen Altenau Keen’s passion and dedication to making UD a Green Dot campus (reducing sexual violence by creating awareness and providing training to students, faculty, and staff) has made a tremendously positive impact on the entire school. In fact, national data consistently demonstrates that UD ranks highly for bystander intervention, data that can reliably be tied to Kristen’s work. Students report bystander intervention (a hallmark of both Green Dot and PAVE) as a social norm on campus. Kristen has spoken to thousands of UD students about sexual assault prevention and is responsible for the development and facilitation of the PAVE program on campus, a peer education group dedicated to empowering students to act against sexual violence.


Robin Oldfield

ARC Assistant Vice President Compliance, Internal Audit & Chief Risk Officer

University of Dayton

Robin Oldfield’s leadership has been critical in ensuring that the health and safety of UD students, faculty and staff continue to be top priority as the school resumed in-person classes during the COVID-19 pandemic. She also developed recommendations for critical areas of University operations, including academics, students, preventive measures, and infrastructure and operations.


Beth Bengough

Associate Professor of Psychology

Edison State Community College

Beth Bengough is an outstanding faculty member at Edison State. Her extensive knowledge leads to greater success for students, and she is a continual source of information for her coworkers. She participates in a significant number of Edison State service activities, including Curriculum Committee, Professional Development Committee, President’s Council, departmental curriculum revisions, mentoring of high school instructors, and Psychology Department staffing/coordination. Furthermore, Beth provides community service through volunteerism and published columns for regional media outlets. Beth is an exceptional member of the Edison State family. Students say, “She was terrific in this class! If I had a question or trouble with anything, she always answered me quickly with help.” “Ms. Bengough was the best instructor that I have had. She treated me with respect. I would highly recommend her to anyone.” “She was very helpful and helped me succeed. I would not have been able to grasp Psychology and to get a decent grade without her help.”


Erynn Hanford

Assistant Professor of Physical Therapist Assistant

Edison State Community College

Erynn Hanford dedicated a tremendous amount of time in transitioning the Physical Therapy Assistant Program from Edison State’s Piqua Campus to its campus in Troy. The transition took months of planning and collaboration with others from Edison State and with site developers and architects. Erynn played a key role in designing a high-tech classroom and lab space, in order to provide the highest quality of education to students. Students say, “Erynn cares about each student as an individual and wants to see us succeed. Erynn is always so encouraging, especially when the program is hard, and you can easily feel overwhelmed.” “Erynn is a person of great integrity and takes her job seriously. She puts a lot of work and effort into creating a great learning environment. She genuinely cares about her students.”


Annette Hoelzer

Lead Faculty in the Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics

Franklin University

Annette Hoelzer teaches the Income Tax Planning and Accounting practicum courses at Franklin University. She developed the practicum course for students interested in volunteering in the VITA Tax program. Annette does the VITA onsite training to help students comprehend the materials to pass the IRS VITA certificate exam. Annette offered tutoring sessions for all students struggling with tax laws. During the tax season, Annette provided on-site supervision on Fridays and Saturdays from January through April, to make sure all tax returns were done correctly.


In addition to the scheduled course sections, Annette records a weekly lecture focusing on key concepts and posts to preview before the weekly class meetings. In the actual class sessions, she reinforces key concepts and engages the class by discussions and class activities. Annette is an excellent supporter of Franklin students!


Patrice Pam

Undergraduate Academic Advisor

Franklin University

Patrice Pam has demonstrated excellence by continually serving her students at Franklin University with the best of her ability, passion, and knowledge. Whether it is helping them to set up their schedule for each term, providing encouraging sentiments as they meet their educational goals, or meeting with them as they begin their journey at Franklin University to ensure they have a strong start with the tools to be successful – Patrice is always at her best for Franklin students!


Dr. Meghan Raehll

Assistant Dean, Center for Teaching Excellence

Franklin University

Dr. Meghan Raehll teaches Franklin University faculty how to teach more effectively using technology. When all the school’s courses transitioned to fully remote in April 2020, they needed to transition all courses from classrooms to virtual learning platforms. Meghan properly diagnosed the challenges, developed sound instructional approaches, and provided workshops and seminars for faculty to advance their competence in distance education methods. Her work positively influenced the teaching experiences of hundreds of faculty members and the learning experiences of thousands of students transitioning to online for the first time. The results were evidenced by positive student feedback and student retention data.


Dr. Raehll worked tirelessly with faculty at both Franklin University and at partner institutions around the world, to educate and provide support for them to transition from face-to-face to online instruction. She helped to raise the collective level of competence related to online instructional strategies and tools. The university experienced had a near seamless transition to “fully online” during a period of major disruption, and students benefitted tremendously from her academic leadership.


Manuela Smith

Graduate Admissions Advisor

Franklin University

Manuela Smith demonstrates excellence in the service category by going above and beyond to assist each Franklin student and their individual needs in a professional and detailed manner. She reviews each student’s needs holistically and helps to formulate a plan for admission, based on conversations that build rapport and trust. Manuela knows her student population on a deep level and takes pride in meeting the student where they are, in conjunction with suggesting helpful hints throughout. Student Adrienne Clay said, “Manuela is always so friendly and shares a wealth of knowledge about the coursework and opportunities at our University. During meetings, she always gives me insight and additional ideas to consider. She informed me about the work-study program at Franklin, and I have now been employed as a work-study here for six months. Most recently, she spoke to me about obtaining my MBA, and I will begin graduate studies next semester.”


George Shterev

Instructional Technologist

Kettering College

George Shterev received the Staff Excellence Award at Kettering College for 2020. George is always upbeat, kind, caring, and supportive, despite all the challenges and demands constantly bombarding him. He is highly responsive to the needs of the college, constantly seeking new and better ways to support the student learning experience. Once COVID-19 hit, he somehow elevated his game, providing new resources to all faculty that enabled them to transition seamlessly to an online environment. He truly models the caring Christian service that Kettering College seeks to develop in its students. Students say George is friendly, patient, supportive, and responsive to all IT requests.


Laurie Bromagen

Associate Professor in the Science and Mathematics Department

Kettering College

Laurie Bromagen won the Faculty Excellence Award at Kettering College for 2020. With the change in the health of a full-time faculty and his inability to teach anatomy and physiology for the remainder of the semester, Laurie quickly stepped in to take over all his lectures and labs. This transition was seamless for her while she still taught all her own lectures and labs for the other anatomy and physiology sections. Students say Laurie is a wonderful, caring teacher who always goes out of her way to help her students. She exemplifies all the best attributes of a Kettering College instructor.


Tom Rule

Professor in the Science and Mathematics Department

Kettering College

Tom Rule received the Faculty Excellence Award at Kettering College for 2020. Tom has been a loyal professor at Kettering College for over 40 years. He cares about the students, and although he is a challenging teacher, students know that, when they complete his anatomy and physiology courses, they have truly accomplished something. Students learn to stretch their ability to think and process ideas, and they love Tom for this.


Dr. Jeff H. Kuznekoff

Associate Professor in the Department of Interdisciplinary and Communication Studies

Miami University Regionals

Dr. Jeff Kuznekoff consistently demonstrates innovative and effective approaches to teaching at Miami University Regionals. His courses help students develop their social media literacies. As a result of his teaching, several of his Miami Regionals students have presented their work at professional conferences. Dr. Kuznekoff’s approach to these courses emanates from his own research in areas such as online learning environments, the use of digital devices (e.g. mobile phones) in classrooms, and the efficacy of faculty learning communities. Students say, “Jeff has a unique way of teaching that actively involves his students to think critically and dive into the material deeply. He is constantly using up-to-date materials and technology to facilitate learning.” “I took a class on communication theory. I probably learned more in this class than I have in any other class at Miami.”


Dr. Jerry W. Martin, Jr.

Regional Director of Regional Campus Global Programs in the English Language Center

Miami University Regionals

Dr. Jerry Martin is quick to always make sure his Miami team gets the appropriate credit for their work, but recognition is due. Jerry always ensures a great experience for their students, whether it is the various cultural programs his department puts on or making sure campus picnics have food. Jerry was also noted as being instrumental in the university’s work-from-home efforts by loaning out equipment from his department to allow staff to work remotely.


Dr. Camilla M. McMahon

Assistant Professor in the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Miami University

Miami University’s Dr. Camilla McMahon recognizes that students often struggle in courses due to a general lack of preparedness for college, rather than an inability to achieve specific course learning objectives. With this insight, metacognitive scaffolding has emerged as a foundational tenet of Dr. McMahon’s teaching philosophy. This approach has helped students succeed in her class. Students say: “I don’t usually participate much in classes, but the professor was always incredibly welcoming when a student asked or answered a question. It makes you want to involve yourself.” “100% this class has changed the way I study! I never really had good study habits before taking this class.” “The professor was always enthusiastic about what we were learning, which made me want to learn about it, as well.”


Maggie Simpson

Senior Student Services Technician in Regional Enrollment and Admissions

Miami University Regionals

Maggie Simpson is one of the Miami University Regionals’ most consistently recognized staff members, by faculty, staff, and administrators alike. She always goes above and beyond the call of duty to make sure that everyone has whatever they need, even when she’s out sick, as noted by one coworker. Maggie impacts students both visibly with registration issues and in ways they will never see, working behind the scenes on room and course scheduling, often “moving mountains” in the process.


Dr. Sara Nielsen

Chemistry Instructor

Southern State Community College

Dr. Sara Nielsen is an outstanding member of the Southern State faculty who consistently demonstrates a high regard for student support and commitment to teaching. In the recent past she has served as a leader among the Instructional Technology Committee, assisting her peers in pivoting to distance education during the pandemic crisis. And once she had a moment to catch her breath, she went to work immediately in developing lab exercises that would allow virtual learners to continue their hands-on experimentation and enjoy a quality classroom experience at a distance.


Tyler Bick


Southern State Community College

Tyler Bick is an outstanding technology professional at Southern State who routinely goes the extra mile to support needs across the institution. His willingness to lend a helping hand beyond his primary responsibility as webmaster has enabled faculty to keep teaching and students to keep learning amidst crisis and despair. Additionally, Tyler graciously works with all members of the college community to assist in their communication strategies. His implementation is flawless and fast.


Kelly Schradin

Associate Professor of Biology

Southern State Community College

Kelly Schradin is a leader among her department and the entire faculty at Southern State. She has been an invaluable contributor to the Instructional Technology Committee and an avid supporter of building quality in distance education. Her adaptive and cooperative nature provided opportunity for her students to continue learning amid crisis, while she also served as a mentor to fellow faculty members who shared the same goals. She has quickly emerged as a leader and supporter of innovative strategies to improve distance learning and leadership in times of crisis.


Dr. Julie Krebs

Director of Nursing

Southern State Community College

Dr. Julie Krebs is an exceptional leader of her department at Southern State and is a champion for the institution. Particularly during the recent pandemic, Dr. Krebs quickly emerged as a leader for the college in suggesting and implementing strategies to safely continue teaching and keep students learning. Her example has become a model for leadership across the region, as she brilliantly orchestrates strategies that promote quality outcomes with caring and compassionate service. 


Dr. Deok Nam

Professor of Computer Science and Computer Engineering

Wilberforce University

Wilberforce University is a small institution, and Dr. Nam has always stepped up to the plate to fill in as needed within the Engineering and Computing area. In addition to teaching a full load (often overload) of classes, he also has assisted with mentoring student research and additionally serves as an advisor to the CS/CE/EE students. On top of all that, he has somehow made time to research and publish, and to assist the university by writing mini grants. This takes a sustained level of dedication and effort, which is very much appreciated.


Dr. Jane Bogan

Associate Professor of Education

Wilmington College

Dr. Jane Bogan is an Associate Professor of Education and has been an invaluable member of the Wilmington College faculty since 2016. She has excelled as an educator and based on her students’ course evaluations, she is well-respected and loved across campus. The students believe that Jane cares about the quality of her teaching and about them as future professionals. She always has the students’ best interests at heart. Jane has gone above and beyond throughout 2020 in her service to Wilmington College. She has been instrumental in helping the college adapt to new hybrid and online delivery methods in response to the pandemic, as well as voluntarily providing training and mentoring for other faculty in the use of digital technology. She was instrumental in the adoption of the Quality Matters as a foundational guide for online course development at Wilmington College.  In addition to her faculty responsibilities, Jane serves as the Area Coordinator for Education and as the clerk of the Assessment Committee. 


Eileen Bowman

Office Manager – Physical Plant

Wilmington College

Eileen Bowman has been with Wilmington College for over 25 years. For most of her time there, she has worked tirelessly in keeping the Physical Plant team on task by managing the work order system, overseeing student workers, and responding to multiple requests from across campus and students. She is dedicated to ensuring that the Wilmington College campus facilities and grounds are functioning properly and pristine. The college appreciates Eileen’s commitment and are very grateful for her efforts.


Dr. Daryl Nash

Assistant Professor of Agriculture

Wilmington College

Dr. Daryl Nash is an Assistant Professor of Agriculture with an emphasis in Animal Science and Production Management at Wilmington College. Daryl has been with Wilmington College since 2017, when he joined as a Visiting Professor. Daryl quickly proved himself to be a tremendous asset, brought a wealth of experience to the Agriculture Department, and became an Assistant Professor in 2018. In March 2020, when Wilmington College found themselves “shifting” over spring break to become experts in distance learning with a goal to have agriculture classes online on the Monday after spring break, Daryl was the go-to person in the department and quickly became the expert in Blackboard and other delivery systems. He is a devoted faculty member, always advising a student, preparing for class, or reading a professional journal in Animal Science. He is an “intellectual wheelhouse” with an “unwavering commitment to students,” always willing to go above and beyond for the students, for the department, and for the college.


Jill Young

Director, Student Health Services

Wilmington College

Jill Young has been with Wilmington College for more than a decade. As the Director of Student Health Services, she has been providing medical and mental health services to the students. Recently, Jill has taken on the added responsibility of managing the COVID-19 medical services on campus. This includes developing campus protocols for students, screening and testing students, determining isolation/quarantine requirements, conducting contact tracing, and reporting to county and state officials. Jill has worked tirelessly in these efforts, and it is greatly appreciated!


Dr. Julius Bailey

Associate Professor of Philosophy and Director of African and Diaspora Studies

Wittenberg University

Those writing in support of Dr. Julius Bailey’s excellence in teaching at Wittenberg characterize him as “a fabulous teacher inside and outside of the classroom” with a gift to inspire curiosity and critical thinking in students. “Above all, Julius has a distinctive way of dissolving the pretense that can make its way into academic discussion.” Julius’ innovation extends from the classroom into the broader community. Incorporating Mock Trial in a philosophy class, organizing the Election Day Teach-In, using social media to broadcast his classes, and setting up community events, Dr. Bailey takes every opportunity to educate others and to promote the social justice that is key to his teaching philosophy. Even in his scholarship, his focus is education. One colleague noted that he “writes professionally with students in mind.” Each of his books (The Cultural Impact of Kanye West; Philosophy and Hip Hop; Racial Realities and Racism; and Hypocrisy and Bad Faith: A Moral Challenge to the America I Love (2020)) are also teaching texts. “Their success with and use by students and faculty are a positive litmus test to the efficacy as a pedagogical tool.”


Ellen Crosbie

Head Certified Athletic Trainer in the Athletics Department

Wittenberg University

The life of an athletic trainer is a little bit different on campuses this fall. Wittenberg is thankful this allowed their head trainer, Ellen Crosbie, to take on a critical role on the school’s COVID Response Team. She led her team in becoming contact tracers extraordinaire. That helped administration make an early decision about a short-term shift to remote learning and allowed the campus to keep its number of cases low since returning to in-person instruction.


Jenna Unterseher

Assistant Registrar

Wittenberg University

Jenna Unterseher joined the Office of the Registrar at Wittenberg in the fall of 2019, after having served the Education Department competently and generously as their administrative assistant. When an assistant registrar position came open, both the Registrar and the Provost immediately thought of her. Because of her familiarity with departmental scheduling and student records needs, she adapted extremely quickly to her new role and now serves the entire academic program with grace and skill.


Dr. Brian D. Yontz

Chair and Associate Professor of Education

Wittenberg University

Dr. Brian D. Yontz, chair and associate professor of education at Wittenberg, teaches courses in urban education, educational policy, foundations of education, and urban education at the graduate and undergraduate level. Yontz previously served as a Board of Examiner member for the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and was recently elected to the Board of Trustees for the Ohio Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (OACTE). From 2006-2009, he served as the director of student teaching and teacher placement and served as the director of licensure and program approval. The author of multiple peer-reviewed articles and book chapters, Yontz has presented at numerous state, national, and international conferences. In 2015, he won the National Scholar Award from the Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges for Teacher Education for research focused on alternative pathways of teacher credentialing.


Dr. Yontz is an expert in education and has been able to convey his knowledge in a way that is understandable and exciting to students. Current and former students always talk about how great of a professor he is and provide that commentary unsolicited. He always looks out for what’s best for his students, provides them with superior teaching expertise, and shows them genuine care that makes Wittenberg the amazing place that it is. He has shown superior classroom teaching and represents academic excellence.


From a student: “He did such a great job clearly teaching topics and made me realize the widespread importance of the lessons we learned in his classroom. You could tell he truly cared about the subjects he taught, and it was even more clear that he cared about his students. One of the coolest experiences I had at Wittenberg was my freshmen year when we learned about current education issues happening in a part of St. Louis. The basketball team made the NCAA tournament and went to compete in St. Louis that year. Dr. Yontz came with us and rode on the bus. As we were riding out of St. Louis, he pointed out to me the area that we were learning about in class and told me more about it. I just always thought that was so cool because it put in perspective his passion and the realness of what he teaches.”


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