AFRL/DAGSI OHIO STUDENT-Faculty Competitive Research Fellowship Program - Competitive Fellowship Program Open to all Ohio Universities, funded by Ohio Department of Higher Education

Lauren Mitchell | | 937.258.8890

The AFRL/DAGSI Ohio Student-Faculty Competitive Research Fellowship Program, funded primarily by Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE), supports science and engineering graduate students and faculty who conduct research in areas targeted by the Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. This agreement is flexible, allowing for AFRL to either cost share with DAGSI and/or a university or to fund a project in its entirety. Prospective applicants should discuss this possibility with their topic sponsors. Go to AFRL/DAGSI Student-Faculty Research Fellowship Program for more information on utilizing this funding vehicle.

The key program objectives are to:

  • Strengthen AFRL research ties to Ohio’s academic science and engineering community
  • Stimulate effective collaboration between Ohio universities and the AFRL
  • Leverage Ohio research funding with AFRL, university, and industry funding and other resources
  • Develop research talent to meet AFRL and Ohio high-tech workforce needs
  • Increased utilization of AFRL facilities
  • Increase involvement by Ohio students and faculty in Aerospace research at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
  • Build stronger ties between Ohio’s research institutions and the Air Force

All projects involve applied research in aerospace technologies and originate from research topics provided by the four AFRL Directorates headquartered at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio: Airman Systems (RH); Aerospace Systems (RQ); Materials & Manufacturing (RX); and Sensors (RY).

Graduate students and faculty from any of the seventeen university members of the Ohio Department of Higher Education’s Research Officers’ Council (ROC) with graduate science and engineering programs are eligible to participate. ROC members include the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT); the University of Akron (UA); Bowling Green State University (BGSU); Central State University (CSU); the University of Cincinnati (UC); Cleveland State University (CSU); the University of Dayton (UD); Kent State University (KSU); Miami University (MU); The Ohio State University (OSU); Ohio University (OU); Shawnee State University (SSU); University of Toledo (UT); Wright State University (WSU); Youngstown State University (YSU); Case Western Reserve University (CWRU); and Northeastern Ohio Medical University.

Program Schedule

Topics Posted on DAGSI Website…..4 October 2024

DAGSI Presentations Live on Website…..2 December 2024

NEW Applications and Proposal Due to DAGSI…..3 February 2025

Review and Ranking of New Applications by AFRL Directorates…..10 February – 10 March 2025

Renewal Applications Due…..10 February 2025

Review and Ranking by AFRL/DAGSI and DAGSI Committee…..11 March – 16 March 2025

NEW AWARDS ANNOUNCED….. 24 March – 31 March 2025

Renewals Notified via Email….. 24 March – 31 March 2025

Research Projects Begin….. Summer 2025

Program Description

Research topics identified by the Technical Directorates at AFRL/WPAFB are posted on the DAGSI website by October 1 each year. Each topic has a short description along with a technical point of contact within the directorate. Applications may be submitted anytime between December 15 and the application due date.

A two-person team composed of a graduate student and a faculty member submits a proposal in one of the target research topic areas. The application must include a required cost share contribution, as described below. Selection of proposals for funding is made jointly by AFRL and DAGSI. Research Fellows collaborate with AFRL scientists and engineers, using AFRL facilities in addition to their university facilities, to conduct their research. The AFRL is committed to providing significant on-site involvement and support to the academic participants. The fellowship term is one year. Each student is required to spend the equivalent of eight consecutive weeks conducting research at Wright-Patterson AFB. Each team will develop and customize a plan with their AFRL sponsor for conducting this research. Each faculty member, especially if drawing a stipend as part of the award, is expected to be involved in the research, spending time at WPAFB as well as advising the student partner. This requirement fosters strong partnerships between Ohio’s academic research institutions and the Air Force. The expectation is that the research will be the basis for most if not all students’ MS or PhD dissertation. Award decisions are made in mid-March for research commencing summer term. DAGSI anticipates awarding at least 10 new student-faculty fellowships and renewing several PhD projects annually.

Each new award must include a required cost share component. DAGSI will contribute an annual maximum of $52,260 for a doctoral-level award and a maximum of $44,130 for a masters-level award. The minimum cost share commitment is one-third of the DAGSI contribution or $17,420 and $14,710 respectively for the DAGSI maximum contributions. Cost-share may come from any university, industry, AFRL, or other allowable government source(s). The DAGSI contribution comes from state funding through the Ohio Department of Higher Education. Therefore, a proposed cost share must not violate any requirements or restrictions set by the state. When the final invoice is submitted by the university, DAGSI will request written certification by a university official that the cost share commitment was kept.

Applicants must submit a budget proposal for use of the DAGSI and cost-share funds, subject to the following constraints:

  • Allowed expense categories are student and faculty stipend, student tuition, and miscellaneous expense funds for travel, publications, etc. Consideration must be made for the student’s summer travel/housing expenses while conducting research at AFRL.
  • Maximum university overhead rate is 26% applied to all categories but tuition, which is exempt.
  • Student stipend must be at least $24,500 (excluding benefits) for students enrolled in a PhD program at the start of the Fellowship and at least $19,000 (excluding benefits) for students who hold a BS degree and are pursuing an MS degree, either terminal or on the way to a PhD
  • Student tuition for one academic year must be covered in full. This should be tailored to the student’s specific needs.
  • No more than $3,000 may be used for the purchase of equipment.
  • Faculty stipend or faculty salary from DAGSI may not exceed $13,860 (equivalent to $11,000 + 26% overhead). At the institution’s discretion, faculty fringe benefits may be allocated from within the stipend or may be added to the stipend by the university/department as cost share (i.e., DAGSI will not pay additional money for fringe benefits).
  • Applicants MUST submit a budget (including cost share) for each year of support with the original application. Therefore, the cost share source (university, AFRL Cooperative Agreement, or industry) must be willing to guarantee three years of support. A PhD award is eligible for up to three years of support. A MS award is eligible for up to two years of support.

Awards are made for one year. Students pursuing an MS degree will receive one year of support but may apply for renewal one time for a total of two years of support. Students pursuing a PhD degree also receive one year of support but may apply for renewal up to two times for a total of three years of support. A renewal request must be submitted by the published deadline for a second and/or third year of funding. This renewal process is ONLY FOR ODHE FUNDED PROJECTS. The final decision on renewals is based on feedback from AFRL, satisfactory academic achievement, research progress, and available funding. The cost share requirement remains in place for all renewals. Both MS and PhD fellowships are eligible for no-cost extensions upon request, and re-budgeting of line allocations will be considered. No project (MS or PhD) is permitted to extend more than 3 years.

Note: students and faculty receiving support from the AFRL/DAGSI program do not incur any formal obligation to the U.S. Government. Program objectives will be best served if the student actively pursues research, teaching, employment in air and space industries or other Air Force-related fields after graduating.

Program Rules, Requirements and Eligibility

Student and faculty applicants are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the program rules, requirements, and eligibility.

  • It is highly encouraged that a students and faculty team communicate with a topic’s AFRL sponsor PRIOR to proposal development.
  • Project work must commence no later than October 1 of the award year.
  • Each student must spend an equivalent of 8 consecutive weeks, preferably during the summer at the start of the award year, at AFRL/WPAFB working with AFRL researchers and using AFRL facilities. If 8 consecutive weeks cannot be scheduled, the student must present a plan showing how the equivalent amount of time will be accumulated over the award year, with research at AFRL beginning no later than October 1. The plan should be included up-front as a part of the application, and the AFRL project sponsor must agree to the plan. In rare cases, AFRL and the university team may determine that much of the work is best accomplished with the extensive use of university resources. DAGSI should be made aware that the student may not be using AFRL labs as his/her primary research base.
  • Each faculty member should spend time over the award year advising the student and, particularly if drawing a stipend from the award, doing project-related research. The research plan should state clearly how the student and faculty anticipate making use of AFRL facilities.
  • Additional time at AFRL may be negotiated directly between the university researchers and AFRL.
  • Each student and each faculty applicant may, together or separately, pursue one or two research opportunities.
  • A student may hold only one award at a time. A faculty member may receive one or two awards in a given cycle but may hold no more than three active ODHE funded projects at a time.
  • Each proposal should address a single research topic unless the topic combination has been approved by AFRL.
  • Collaboration among universities is strongly encouraged. For example, two teams from different schools may collaborate on a topic, each submitting a separate application with a distinct research proposal but requesting that the applications be considered together.
  • Renewals of existing awards require a separate application. Renewals are not guaranteed. Renewal applications are required for only Competitive ODHE funded projects.
  • Upgrade renewals from MS to PhD are not available. A Masters student wishing to continue in the same topic for his/her Doctoral research must re-compete for a new award.
  • All student applicants must be currently enrolled or admitted as full-time graduate students in engineering or a similar scientific or technical field. If for some reason a student’s expected admittance remains pending as of the application deadline, admission must be confirmed by March 1 or the application will be disqualified. Students admitted to but not yet enrolled in a graduate program must have accepted the school’s offer of enrollment. Students may apply prior to receiving their baccalaureate degree provided they have been accepted to (and they have accepted) graduate school and will start their program no later than October 1 of the award year.
  • Students participating in a 4+1 Master’s program are eligible to apply for DAGSI funding, however, they must be considered a full-time MS student at the time the project starts. Meaning they must be classified by their Home Institution as a MS student and taking MS courses.
  • Any student holding employment outside of this fellowship is responsible for verification that he or she does not violate any university or employer restrictions on employment while receiving a stipend for research (e.g., some universities limit the number of outside employment hours for full-time students receiving fellowship stipends; some employers prohibit receiving a stipend if the employee is being paid a salary). Student Fellows must be considered full-time students and must not be employed full-time. Any violation of the policy will result in termination of the fellowship unless the student makes a change that ensures compliance with all university, DAGSI, and employer rules.
  • A student is eligible to be awarded a two-year MS award and a three-year PhD award. Total award period can not exceed five years for ODHE funded students.
  • A project may not exceed three years. No cost extensions are available only within the three year time period allowable for a project.
  • Projects/students may be supported past the three-year maximum on ODHE funds by AFRL funds through the Cooperative Agreement. This is strictly at the TD’s discretion.
  • Eligible schools are any of Ohio’s research universities with representation on the ODHE’s Research Officers Council. The only exception would be projects wholly funded by AFRL, with no contribution by the state of Ohio via DAGSI. University’s outside of Ohio cannot compete for ODHE funds.
  • Due to Government restrictions, student applicants funded by DAGSI must be US citizens. Faculty members who plan to do research at AFRL must be US citizens. Faculty green card holders are discouraged from applying. At a minimum, any interested faculty member who is not a US citizen must discuss plans and status with AFRL well in advance of applying and must get AFRL approval prior to submission of a proposal. That approval must be documented in the application or the application will be deemed ineligible.
  • Faculty applicants must be full-time, tenured or tenure track. Adjunct faculty and consultants are ineligible. Senior research faculty may apply provided they work closely with and advise graduate students. No faculty members other than the applicant may receive a stipend or miscellaneous expense monies from an AFRL/DAGSI award without prior approval by BOTH AFRL and DAGSI.
  • If a student receiving an award withdraws for any reason, a student substitution may be made per the discretion of the AFRL sponsor. If a qualified substitution cannot be found within a timely period, the full award will be withdrawn and offered to the next project/team on the rank-ordered list. The replacement student must be comparable in academic standing to the original applicant.
  • Replacement students must submit a complete application form to DAGSI along with a plan to continue the research already underway and must be approved by the AFRL project sponsor. DAGSI and AFRL have final approval. Replacement students are eligible for renewal.

Application Guidelines

Before applying, all interested students and faculty must familiarize themselves with the Program Rules, Requirements, and Eligibility from the above section. Failure to adhere to program rules, requirements, or eligibility criteria will result in disqualification of the application or cancellation of the project.All new applicants must follow the process outlined immediately below. Renewing teams should refer to the renewal section below. This renewal process is only for projects sponsored by ODHE (i.e., competitive awards open to only Ohio universities).

An application for the AFRL/DAGSI Ohio Student-Faculty Competitive Research Fellowship Program is comprised of the following documents (See FORMS):

  • Application Cover Page
  • Student application form
  • Transcript(s) – unofficial transcripts are acceptable and must be included within the application package
  • At least two letters of recommendation for the student
  • Faculty application form
  • Research proposal
  • Budget proposal, including DAGSI and cost-share commitments. A Budget Justification is not required by highly recommended for the Miscellaneous budget line at minimum.
  • Signature form

Applications may be submitted by email (, by mail (2750-B Indian Ripple Road #225, Beavercreek, Ohio 45440), or by hand.

The application forms should be completed electronically, printed, and submitted along with the research proposal, the proposed budget, the signature form, and any other supporting materials in ONE PDF document. Do NOT use PDF portfolios or zip files.

The following documents must be provided along with the application forms.

  • Transcript(s): Unofficial or Official transcript(s) listing all university coursework (undergraduate and graduate) and GPA is/are required. They must be included within the application package.
  • Letters of Recommendation: At least two one-page, signed letters must be submitted for each student. One recommendation must be written by the faculty research partner. For PhD students, this letter must include a statement addressing the level of assistance provided to the student in developing the research proposal. The other recommendation should be written by someone familiar with the student’s academic and research record and capability. These letters must be included within the application package.
  • Research Proposal: Each proposal must address a single research topic.* The document should describe the research proposed over a one-year timeframe. If the team anticipates a multiyear effort (i.e., the team will seek 1 or 2 renewals), focus the detail on the year-one effort but add an outline of the work anticipated beyond the first year, including a timeline. For PhD-level projects, the student should take primary responsibility for preparing the proposal, with support, guidance, and input as necessary from the faculty partner. (If one could quantify the level of effort, the guideline is at least 80% student effort and at most 20% faculty effort). For MS-level projects, the proposal may be developed and written jointly by the faculty member and the student. Students and faculty should contact the AFRL topic sponsor as they prepare the proposal. Such collaboration should benefit the student/faculty team by enabling them to prepare a highly competitive proposal.

*Any single proposal addressing two overlapping research topics must be approved by the AFRL sponsor of each topic. The sponsors must sign a statement agreeing to the proposed combination of research topics.

Proposal Format

  • No more than 6 text pages (one-inch margins all around; 12 point font; single-spaced)
  • No more than 5 additional pages for graphics, tables, charts, references/literature citations, and/or appendices
  • The proposal must include: statement of the problem; background and relevance to previous work; general methodology and procedure to be followed; expected results and their significance and application; outline of anticipated efforts beyond year 1 if seeking a multi-year award; potential impact on Air Force and/or Ohio economy; and literature citations where appropriate. Any anticipated special requirements necessary to conduct the research (e.g. special equipment, computer resources, etc.) should be indicated.
  • Note: AFRL and DAGSI expect the majority of the research to be done at AFRL during the summer months immediately following receipt of the award. If the full 8 weeks required by the student cannot be done during the summer, the proposal must include a plan that outlines how and when the required time will be accumulated. At least some of the research must be front-loaded in the award year. DAGSI will not pay a student’s tuition for the academic year unless the research is underway by October 1 of that year. At a minimum, there must be a meeting between the university team and the AFRL sponsor prior to October 1 at which a mutually-acceptable research plan is developed.

Proposed Budget: The proposal must show expense categories and amounts for both the DAGSI award contribution (no more than the maximum allowable) and the cost share contribution, subject to the constraints outlined above. Cost-share via the AFRL/DAGSI Cooperative Agreement should be separated out from other sources of cost share, as there is an 8% DAGSI administrative fee included in the total amount. An internally-calculating budget form is provided in the Forms section and must be used. If applying for a multi-year award, applicants MUST submit a budget (including cost share) for each full year of support with the original application (one budget form per year). Therefore, the cost share source (university, AFRL Co-operative Agreement, or industry) must be willing to guarantee three years of support. NOTE: Student travel expenses for research time at AFRL needs to be taken into consideration when developing the Miscellaneous section of the budget.

Signature Form: All required signatures must be included.


Adobe Acrobat is required to download pdf forms

Evaluation Criteria

The participating AFRL Directorates review the applications, and each directorate rank orders the proposals submitted for its areas of research. AFRL and DAGSI leaders jointly make the final award decisions. Selection is based on:

  • Technical merit of the research proposal
  • Importance of the topic to the AFRL directorate
  • Proposed utilization of AFRL and/or university facilities
  • Academic merit of the student
  • Potential for the research outcome to have a future impact on Ohio’s economy
  • Program budget for the year

Renewal of Existing Awards

(If a project that is fully funded by AFRL wishes to renew, the project team must speak directly to the AFRL Sponsor for further information. DO NOT USE THIS PROCESS.)

MS projects awarded in 2022 and prior are not eligible for renewals. MS projects awarded in 2023 and beyond are eligible for renewals.

The key criteria for renewal decisions are progress on the research (positive feedback from the AFRL sponsor and the relevant Directorate) and the student’s academic standing (in general, a minimum GPA of 3.0). Students in good academic standing who are making good progress on the research and receive positive feedback from AFRL stand an excellent chance of renewal as long as funding is available. If an award is renewed, all components of the award (student stipend and tuition, as well as any other approved budget elements) will be renewed. The cost share commitment is required for any renewals. The university team and the AFRL sponsor should be aware that if the sponsor commits to cost-share through the AFRL/SOCHE Cooperative Agreement for the first year, the cost share requirement remains in place for any subsequent years. If AFRL cannot commit funds beyond one year, the team will have to identify another source for any renewal years.

Research teams seeking renewal of their fellowship award must fill out the Application for Fellowship Renewal form. There are four sections: student information; faculty assessment; proposed budget; and AFRL research sponsor feedback and recommendation. All four sections must be submitted to the DAGSI office no later than 5 pm on the date listed in the current Program Schedule. The student and faculty sections and the budget proposal should be submitted together, and the AFRL sponsor section may be included or submitted separately if time or privacy is an issue. Submissions should be emailed to Lauren Mitchell (

The university teams are responsible for ensuring that the AFRL sponsor completes his/her section and submits it on time. Endorsement of the AFRL sponsor and his/her Technical Directorate is critical to the outcome of the renewal decision.

Reporting Requirements


  • Written quarterly reports – Quarterly reports are due every quarter from project start until the final invoice is received.  Technical reports are used as information back-up to any university invoices received.  No invoices will be paid without a technical report for that quarter.  Reports are due through any No Cost Extensions given.  Confirm your project end date on your university contract.
  • Yearly virtual presentation session

Report Due Dates:

  • October 15 (for projects starting May – August, this is the first report due)
  • January 15
  • April 15
  • July 15 – This report must include a completed copy of the Project Data Form


A completed report should be submitted to DAGSI Program Manager, Lauren Mitchell ( AND the AFRL sponsor of the project.

Report Format:

The written report has two parts, the first completed by the student and the second by the faculty member.  Here is the requested format:

Section I: Progress Summary (Student)

In no more than three pages of text (not including title page), summarize your progress to date as follows:

  • Title page
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Procedure
  • Results and Discussion
  • Conclusions

Acknowledgments, References, Appendices may be added as necessary/desired.

Section II: Progress Summary (Faculty)

In no more than three pages of text, describe your involvement and work on the project, summarize the team’s progress, and provide your assessment of the current and future success of the research project. Diagrams, figures, and tables may be added as necessary/desired.

If your project has an AFRL cost share, one report will cover the requirement for both of your DAGSI funds and your AFRL funds.

Virtual Presentation:

DAGSI will host a virtual presentation session in December of each year for projects which have completed at least 10 months of research.  This is an opportunity to present your completed research to peers, other universities and representatives from AFRL, private industry, and state officials.  Information will be sent to the teams who will be asked to participate in June.

Publishing Project Results

If you are unsure which funding vehicle your contract is under, contact Lauren Mitchell at for confirmation.

  1. Publishing guidelines for projects funded under Cooperative Agreement FA8650-19-2-9300
  • The Grantee is expected to publish or otherwise make publicly available the results of the work conducted under this award.  One copy of all publications resulting from the project shall be forwarded to the Grantor.  Grantor shall forward the publications to the AFRL Program Manager.
  • An acknowledgement of the awarding agency’s support shall appear in the publication of any materials, whether copyrighted or not.  The acknowledgement shall read:
  • “This material is based on research sponsored by the Air Force Research Laboratory and Strategic Council for Higher Education under agreement FA8650-19-2-9300.  The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for Governmental purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation thereon.”
  • The subrecipient is responsible for assuring that every publication of material based on or developed under this project contains the following disclaimer:
  • “The views and conclusions contained herein are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied by the Strategic Council for Higher Education and the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) or the U.S. Government.”
  1. Publishing guidelines for projects funded by ODHE (Ohio Department of Higher Education)
  • The Grantee is expected to publish or otherwise make publicly available the results of the work conducted under this award.  One copy of all publications resulting from the project shall be forwarded to the Grantor.  Grantor shall forward the publications to the AFRL Program Manager.
  • An acknowledgement of the awarding agency’s support shall appear in the publication of any materials, whether copyrighted or not.  The acknowledgement shall read:
  • “This material is based on research sponsored by the Ohio Department of Higher Education and Strategic Council for Higher Education under Ohio House Bill 49 of the 132nd General Assembly.  The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for Governmental purposes notwithstanding and copyright notation thereon.”
  • The subrecipient is responsible for assuring that every publication of material based on or developed under this project contains the following disclaimer:
  • “The views and conclusions contained herein are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied by the Strategic Council for Higher Education and the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) or the U.S. Government.”

Use of Fellowship Tuition Funds

  • DAGSI fellowship funds are for tuition only, paid at the current rate per credit hour set by the school offering the course. DAGSI does not cover additional fees and charges, such as registration fees, course drop-out fees, graduate application and graduation fees, charges for copies of transcripts, computer usage fees, or other miscellaneous items. Payment of such charges is the responsibility of the DAGSI student.
  • DAGSI defines a full-time graduate student as one who takes at least the minimum number of credit hours to be considered full-time as defined by the student’s Home Institution. A DAGSI student who has received full tuition plus fellowship must remain a full-time student.
  • DAGSI will not pay for audited courses, which do not generate credits toward the degree sought.
  • DAGSI will not pay tuition for a course taken outside the partner schools of engineering unless the course is critical to the student’s approved program of study and research. Any petition must be signed off by the faculty advisor and approved by the department head and the Dean of Engineering at the Home Institution.
  • DAGSI will not pay for a remedial or undergraduate course unless the course is critical to the student’s approved program of study and research. Any petition must be signed off by the faculty advisor and approved by the department head and the Dean of Engineering at the Home Institution.
  • DAGSI will neither pay the school nor reimburse a student for any dropped course charges. Issues involving dropped courses are strictly between the student and the school and are governed by the written policy of the school. Under such a policy, the student may be liable for payment.

Miscellaneous Program FAQs

  • DAGSI does not make housing arrangements for research time at AFRL. Make sure that money is allocated in the miscellaneous budget to help cover travel and housing expenses for the student and faculty.
  • Stipends are paid to the student directly from the university. In general, these funds run through payroll and have taxes deducted.  Students should consult with their university departments on how to set up their contracts for stipend payments and any questions concerning pay periods.
  • DAGSI is not authorized to process applications for Base access. The project’s AFRL sponsor is required to make these arrangements on the student’s behalf.  The contract number used is the DAGSI project number that is assigned after acceptance of the award is made.

Cross Registration

DAGSI Fellows are able to make use of the SOCHE Cross Registration system. Only DAGSI Universities that are also members of SOCHE or GC3 will be able to participate. Currently, this includes Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT), Central State University (CSU), University of Dayton (UD), Wright State University (WSU), University of Cincinnati (UC), and Miami University (MU). For more information, check the SOCHE web site at . And if you make use of this wonderful opportunity, please make sure that you check the box on the registration form that states you are an AFRL/DAGSI Fellow.

Cross Registration, and the sharing of course work, is the major operating principle of DAGSI. In essence, the partner institutions have agreed to accept courses completed at another partner institution as part of the student’s program of study subject only to the limitation that at least 50% of the course work (excluding thesis or dissertation credits) for the degree must be completed at the home institution.

Thesis and dissertation credits will always be taken at the home institution.

Councils & Committees

SOCHE is dedicated to advancing higher education through active collaboration, resource and knowledge building, and effective professional development programs. To accomplish this, SOCHE administers 16 active Councils and Committees. The purpose of a SOCHE Council or Committee is to provide an opportunity for representatives from higher education to be a resource for one another, share information and best practices, identify common challenges, and, ultimately, broaden awareness of the resources, services, and activities in higher education. SOCHE is also dependent upon the Councils and Committees for substantial input on annual professional development programs.

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